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Absolute Beginner's OrigamiAbsolute Beginner's OrigamiBy:"Nick Robinson"Published on 1999 by Watson-Guptill PublicationsIn a step-by-step approach, shows how to make o…Read More...
Origami to Astonish and AmuseOrigami to Astonish and AmuseBy:"Jeremy Shafer"Published on 2001-07-06 by MacmillanStep-by-step instructions show how to make models from si…Read More...
World's Best OrigamiWorld's Best OrigamiBy:"Nick Robinson"Published on 2010-11-02 by PenguinJoin the fold and discover this timeless art form. World's Best Orig…Read More...
Origami BonsaiOrigami BonsaiBy:"Benjamin John Coleman"Published on 2010-04-10 by Benjamin John ColemanA book with more than 250 color photos, 100 diagrams…Read More...
Dollar Bill OrigamiDollar Bill OrigamiBy:"John Montroll"Published on 2003 by Courier CorporationStep-by-step instructions and clear diagrams show paper folders…Read More...