
Nor Crystal Tears


Nor Crystal Tears
By:"Alan Dean Foster"

Published on 2013-06-24 by Hachette UK

In the beginning, before Man and the insect Thranx became allies, in the days when the reptilian AAnn were just occasional raiders of the Thranx colony worlds, one young Thranx agricultural expert lived a life of quiet desperation. A dreamer in a world of sensible well adjusted socialised beings, Ryo buried himself in his work of reclaiming marshland until... Until he met the Aliens. Grotesque two legged creatures, unpleasingly soft skinned, gross in their appetites, alarming in their movements, all in all pretty revolting species, yet his curiosity overcame his queasiness and he befriended them. And discovered they were called Man.

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword nor crystal tears 2016.




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  • Nor Crystal TearsNor Crystal TearsBy:"Alan Dean Foster"Published on 2013-06-24 by Hachette UKIn the beginning, before Man and the insect Thranx became allies… Read More...
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