
Origami for the First Time


Origami for the First Time
By:"Soonboke Smith"

Published on 2003 by Chapelle

An origami book for the absolute beginner which explains everything you need to know Features hundreds of close-up colour photos Step-by-step instructions Later chapters take the reader beyond the fundamentals From making the basic folds and forms to crafting exquisite little flowerpots, frames, and pinwheels, this right-from-the-beginning question and answer guide explains everything you need to know about origami. Hundreds of close-up colour photos follow each step in the process as pencil holders, miniature chairs and tables, and beautiful traditional cranes emerge from the paper. Find out what tools are needed to get started and the important terms and symbols. Try simple techniques for creating seven projects, including coasters, paper hearts, a candy cup, and a knife and fork holder. Go beyond the fundamentals and see how to construct 14 exquisite items that require slightly more complex folding and assembling, such as a sailboat, dove, pine tree, and gift boxes. A gallery presents a collection of inspiring sculptural origami pieces by some of the best artists in the field.

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