
Origami Polyhedra Design


Origami Polyhedra Design
By:"John Montroll"

Published on 2009-10-26 by CRC Press

This book unravels the mystery of Geometry in Origami with a unique approach: 64 Polyhedra designs, each made from a single square sheet of paper, no cuts, no glue; each polyhedron the largest possible from the starting size of square and each having an ingenious locking mechanism to hold its shape. The author covers the five Platonic solids (cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron). There are ample variations with different color patterns and sunken sides. Dipyramids and Dimpled Dipyramids, unexplored before this in Origami, are also covered. There are a total of 64 models in the book. All the designs have an interesting look and a pleasing folding sequence and are based on unique mathematical equations.

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