
100+ Happy New Year Messages & Quotes for Welcoming 2017

Happy New Year 2017 Messages: we are back with another cool article for all our users. We all love to celebrate new year days as it is the start of a fresh year in our life. Many things may happen in the new year days, and it is an emotional night as we are saying goodbye to 2016. Here we are going to share some Best Happy New Year 2017 Emotional Messages Quotes, which you can use to wish your friends. Let's leave all our worries and bad luck in 2016 and start a new life in the new year days.
New Year celebrations have already begun, and many people began to wish me in Facebook as well as Whatsapp. We posted many new year quotes and wishes in our blog and finally we are again posting some of the relevant articles. When everybody celebrates the new year with parties and all, we are here with new posts for you. It's the new year season, and we may follow different cultures. In one word New Year is all about happiness in our life. We already took our resolutions and are waiting for your decisions. You can comment your resolutions in the below section. Let's discuss it, and we wish you a happy new year 2017.

Emotional Happy New Year 2017 Wishes Quotes Messages

  •  A friend like you is one in a million and much precious to be treasured. I am thankful to have you in my life and send you loving and funny New Year wishes with gifts.
  • We Wish in 2015 God gives You, 12 Months of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days of Success, 8760 Hours of Good Health, 52600 Minutes of Good Luck, 3153600 Seconds of Joy… and that’s all.
  • Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source – a Sower of Dreams – just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.
  • On this New Year, may you change your direction and not dates, change your commitments and not the Calendar, change your attitude and not the actions, and bring about a change in your faith, your force and your focus and not the fruit. May you live up to the promises you have made and may you create for you and your loved ones the most Happy New Year ever.
  • Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties7

Happy New Year 2017 Inspirational Quotes Messages

  • Come come come
    Waiting for you, me and my mum
    Happiness is about to turn
    The new year is there with a lot of chump.
    Enjoy the ride
    Take the bite
    All is right
  • Because it’s a new year night.
    Pleasures are coming,
    Flowers are blossoming,
    Happiness is surrounding,
    What else you are finding?
    Happy new year
  • Angels in the sky,
    Birds who fly,
    Flowers who shy,
    Children who cry,
    All are saying goodbye.
    Happy new year 2017.
  • All the moments spent with our friends,
    We have to say bye,
    Happiness doesn’t end,
    Get ready for excess joy.
    Happy new year.
  • Give and take,
    Let us celebrate,
    Enjoy the glorious year,
    By removing the others tear.
  • The people who live by hand and mouth,
    They are only waiting and shout,
    They want to enjoy the trout,
    Don’t forget and celebrate the new year without,
    Poor, rich, disable and scout.
  • Read it once,
    Enjoy it twice,
    All the special moments,
    Cheerful, charming and nice.
  • The things which have left,
    The bird with a little hope, sitting on his nest,
    The new year is coming and near,
    Get started and try to achieve your best.
  • Starts who twinkle,
    Problems who mingle,
    How to become happy,
    It’s difficult because still single

Sad Happy New Year 2017 Messages Greetings

  • May your blessing increase than last year
    And you get more happiness
    And the joy on this beautiful day.
    This New Year brings
    everything which you desire,
    Happy New Year.
  • Don’t worry about remembering the past,
    this is New Year
    and be positive in this year
and work harder
and harder to be an unbreakable person.
  • As the New Year has arrives,
    it provides you the new belief
    and courage for your goals
    which you have to accomplished.
    Happy New Year.
  • Keep two things with you
    if you want to a successful in this year too.
    One is smile
    and the second thing is silence.
    So in this year you to act on these two laws.
  • When you are lonely, I wish you Love!
    When you are down, I wish you Joy!
    When you are troubled I wish you Peace!
    When things seem empty, I wish you Hope!
    With all above wishes, Have A Very Happy New Year 2017
  • My best wishes for you,
    Great start for Jan,
    Love for Feb,
    peace for March,
    No worries for April,
    fun for May,
    Joy for June to Nov,
    Happiness for Dec.
    Have a lucky and wonderful 2017
  • Nights are Dark,
    but Days are Light,
    Wish your Life will always be Bright.
    So my Dear don’t get Fear Coz,
    God Gift us a “BRAND NEW YEAR”
  • Goodbye Quotes For New Year 2016

    • Let’s have party coz it’s New Year time. Celebrate Happy New Year Quotes with me all the night, so that we can end the year together and start the new year together.
    • You have Stood By Μe Valiantly Through Αnother Year Of Ηardship Αnd Disappointments.
    • Νever Complaining Εven When Ι Was Failing. I Love Yοu And I Μean Ιt.
      Ηappy New Year, Thank Gοd We have Μade Ιt.
    • Let your new year’s morning begin with the sunshine full of energy, and all the Woes Be in decline, And bring all the Vibes with new energy, wishing you a Happy New Year 2017.
    • Luck Ιs not in yοur hands But decision Ιs in your Ηands. Your decision can Μake luck Βut luck can not make yοur decision so Αlways trust yοurself. Happy New Year 2017.
    • New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a very new start. Wish you a very Happy New Year.
      Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
    • We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.

    Happy New Year 2017 Messages Quotes Greetings

    • Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody - unknown
    • You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them - Micheal Jordan
    • The purpose of life is a life of purpose - Robert Byrne
    • Failure is the stepping stone to success
    • Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
    • Try not to become a man of success but a man of value
    • Every Professional was first an amateur
    We wish a very great happy new year 2017. It's your turn to support us, and you can help us by sharing these posts on the social sites such as Facebook as well as Whatsapp. We have collected more than 1000+ new year quotes and wishes for you and copy and share with your favorite people.




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