
Cognitive Psychology and Instruction


Cognitive Psychology and Instruction
By:"Roger H. Bruning"

Published on 2004 by Prentice Hall

Solidly rooted in current cognitive psychology and motivation research, this book applies the findings of such research directly to classroom teaching and students' learning. Discernable throughout the book is the authors' belief that a solid understanding of the cognitive psychology perspective enhances a teacher's ability to understand educational goals, educational processes, and the overall educational system.After an introduction to the basic principles of cognitive psychology and its position in education, the book explains cognitive processes, explores the importance of beliefs and motivations in the process of cognition, and, finally, examines the ways cognitive psychology informs teaching and learning in specific content areas. Devotes an entire chapter tosensory, short-term, and working memory,presenting the modal memory model.For future educators.

This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword an introduction to cognitive psychology 2016.




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