
Educational and psychological testing


Educational and psychological testing
By:"Baruch Nevo"

Published on 1993 by Hogrefe & Huber Pub

Every day thousands of people around the world undergo psychological and educational tests of one kind or another. Students, job applicants, university candidates, counselees, and patients - just to mention a few - are among the vast and diverse clientele of the psychological testing enterprise. But how much do we, the constructors and users of psychological and educational tests, really know about the attitudes and feelings of test takers toward tests both before and after them? How much information do psychologists, psychometricians and examiners actually possess about the way the examinees perceive tests, testers and the test situation? The contributors to this book share the belief that the examinee's perspective on testing is both important and relevant, and as such should be incorporated into the improvement of specific tests as well as testing in general.

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword psychological testing 2016.




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