
Origami 365


Origami 365
By:"Taro Yaguchi"

Published on 2014-02-15 by Race Point Publishing

Learn origami basics from the experts at Taro's Origami Studio in Brooklyn, New York, where dedicated professionals teach and promote the ancient art of origami. In this book, Taro Yaguchi, founder of Taro's Origami Studio, shares his unique Kyu System, wherein the successful mastery of basic folds and bases is rewarded with passage through the different color-coded levels often associated with mastery in the field of martial arts. This book contains 12 models that clearly illustrate specific key folds and base forms that provide a foundation for the development of origami skills.365 pieces of beautifully designed origami papers are provided to create models in three different sizes-perfect for use as ornaments, jewelry, and just for fun.

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